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The hidden layers of ones internal, tacit, bundle of knowledge never really raise their head up that often, until one sits down and shuffles through them at a leisurely pace.

The said shuffling is, at times, only re-drawing of the boundary, straightening up of the lines and bucketing the neuron-linkages into a structured form. 

Because, in the pie-chart representing the sum-total of all universal knowledge, the sector marked 'what I already know', is the smallest, with this, I wish to unravel, for myself, what I already know. 

Sharing it up here only to pool a wider spectrum of ideas so that, maybe, I can grow my relative understanding on a variety of subject matter.

And, remember the Mahāvākya from Chandogya Upanishad:

- तत्त्वमसि : That Thou Art.

Let's rediscover the divinity within, via. the route of clarifying our thoughts.

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